Sunday, April 18, 2010

The biggest mistake is when you never start.!

Hola bloggers around the world!

I am extremely happy to eventually start my own blog! This already stated on the top of my to do lists since this early new year, aand YES finally I realized it on the mid of the 4th month! No matter how late it is.., but it always be better than never start it anyway (just like the title of this post!) ;D

Firstly I want to thank my beloved team mate in -the Rainbow!- the MC of AIESEC Indonesia 09/10, who is Marlissa Dessy, who has reminded me all the times to start this.. So we can share everything although we are living in different part of the world! Hihii, high 5 mate!!

Before writing my 1st post, I did self-reflection a bit about what I have gone through in the year 2009. I realized once again that I got so many good things and colorful experiences last year! Thanks GOD for blessing me :))

1. Everything was started when I decided to join AIESEC Asia-Pacific Exchange and Leadership Development Seminar (APXLDS) on March 2009 in Hongkong. I thought it would be my last conference in AIESEC, but turned out that it was my starting point to take -beyond my expectation experience- in AIESEC! Exactly, after that I directly decided to apply for higher position in AIESEC..
2. Yuhuu, I got selected for Vice President of External Relations in AIESEC Indonesia, which means I will be one of the national board leading 6 Local Committees in 6 cities in Indonesia! Very challenging as ER area in Indonesia still needs many improvements and I will be handling all about partners, Board of Advisors, alumni, etc.
3. As one of advantage of being MC, I am able to participate at International Congress on August 2009 in Malaysia, which is the biggest international conference in AIESEC! There were 600 delegates from more 107 countries around the world! It was extremely amazing when everyday I met different people from extremely different part of the world, and share about our culture, perspective, and everything! And again, after this conference I considered the next big step in my life which I will tell you later on the next post ;))
4. The last one would be about my school thingy. On October 2009, finally I passed my defense, and got my bachelor degree in Accounting! Yiiiey, after 6 months writing thesis and 4 years studying.. And on November I had my graduation ceremony..
That's it the highlight for 2009, although still more things happened! I hope that in 2010, I could even achieve more in order to give my best contribution to society.., as I believe that everything we got, we should give it back to others.. So let's end it by smiling..!! :))

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! this is tottaly super cool My!!!

    welcome to the blogger world

    and let's share out link
